Ryu smash ultimate frame data
Ryu smash ultimate frame data

  1. #Ryu smash ultimate frame data update#
  2. #Ryu smash ultimate frame data Patch#

THIS GUIDE DOES NOT CONTAIN EVERY POSSIBLE COMBO. Within these branches are further subbranches of individual attacks, so ultimately this guide should be fairly easy to read and find info with. The Guide is put into sections including Light Attack Combos, Medium Attack Combos, Aerial Combos, Hadoken Combos, Throw Combos, Focus Attack Combos, and Shield Break set-ups. The Combos with a " *" next to it means that it is either a most optimal combo, or it should be in your list of bread and butters (combos that you regularly utilize and have as muscle memory). Henceforth, Ryu has light (tap), medium (told), and heavy (smash attack) normals.

ryu smash ultimate frame data

Most people call Ryu’s held attacks “heavy attacks,” like “heavy u-tilt.” The reason I call it medium instead is because “heavy attacks” are smash attacks in Street Fighter terms. Combos which utilize the no knockback version will state “(No Knockback Version)” next to “M-Utilt.” The version with no knockback is performed by simply holding attack in close proximity of the opponent. The version with knockback is performed normally by holding attack and up simultaneously.

#Ryu smash ultimate frame data update#

  • Since update 3.1.0, M-Utilt now has 2 versions of itself: One has knockback, the other doesn’t.
  • L-Ftilt stands for "Light Forward Tilt.".
  • More follow-ups and comboability from a Shakunetsu basically. The purpose of this is so you have less endlag after throwing the Hadoken.
  • ”Hover Shakunetsu” is a technique that you can really do with any Hadoken, but a HS is where you short-hop and throw a Shakunetsu Hadoken right before you hit the ground.
  • ryu smash ultimate frame data

    (You should only see me refer to OS with M-Utilt and Roundhouse kick).

  • "OS" means "Option Select.” The game decides what best option to use based off of an input or group of inputs.
  • "RAR" stands for "Reverse Air Rush.” If you don’t know what that is, there are plenty of videos explaining it.
  • I will sometimes put for my FA combos "Lvl 1,” "Lvl 2,” or "Lvl 3.” this just tells you how much the FA needs to be charged.
  • FADC stands for "Focus Attack Dash Cancel.” This is the process of after activating a Focus Attack, you tap twice in one direction cancelling out.
  • I will be using “>” in the guide to stand for basically "leads into.".
  • Lets go over some basic terms first so hopefully no one will be confused. I did put some extra information for combos on the right hand side of them highlighted this color. If anyone wants to know additional percentage data, you can let me know and I can add them in later on.

    ryu smash ultimate frame data

    I thought about putting more specific percent info for each combo working, but some combos are listed with terms such as "High%,” "Low%,” etc. If I have made an error on the guide, be sure to let me know so it can be fixed.Īs well, please let me know if I am missing anything, if I can help anyone out, or help you understand.

    #Ryu smash ultimate frame data Patch#

    This guide is absolutely up for changes through discussion or if a patch is introduced, but I feel that it is about complete. I also solo-main Ryu, and the time I’ve spent with him while playing is around 95% of my total play time. I am a pretty old Ryu main, playing him since around the time of him being released in Smash 4, so I have poured all of my knowledge into this guide. I have created this combo guide for anyone who wants to pick up Ryu or just wants to become better with him.

    Ryu smash ultimate frame data