Is stylewriter 4 compatible with open office
Is stylewriter 4 compatible with open office

In particular - I tried to use a OO.Base file with bibliography information to make references in a thesis.

  • I haven't been using much the feature of "fields", like data fields from a database, or cross-links within the document, but I tried that a couple of times and it was a great pain and disaster.
  • But at other times, when I scroll up and down, so that display is refreshed, the index shows correctly - but not always! Especially when I try to enter an index in between existing letters, and I choose subscript, then the whole word goes subscript.
  • When changing text attributes like bold, italics, sub- and superscript, the results are often unpredictable.
  • I also hate the current (2.4.1) change tracking feature, but it is supposedly resolved in 3.0 Whenever I try to modify the parameters of an object, the other objects on the same page suddenly change positions. Also, being able to set the precedence for these lists would be really helpful.
  • Having the ability to add (and exchange custom replacement lists), will make this feature truly unique.

    I hope everyone sees the benefit, but with every new install my list got overwritten.

  • I used the replacement list to expand custom abbreviations, like 'P.a' -> 'Pseudomonas aeruginosa'.
  • It did in the past and I just stopped creating a new list, although that feature had such enormous potential.
  • Does OOo still overwrite an existing replacement list?.
  • lack of *Table-styles*, especially the advanced styles.
  • Inserting a frame, or writing some text in a paragraf-frame mixed document is at best undefined behaviour, but more often is worse than undefined behaviour - it really drives you crazy.
  • Can drive the most ugly demons out of any user.
  • Inserting some elements/objects in the document.
  • (and find the right page - well, was it 816, or 823?) It takes some time to get back to page 800.
  • And please, do NEVER jump to the beginning of the document.
  • Writer may jump randomly across the document even minutes after opening a large document! -> BUG!.
  • Formatting/repaginating large documents.
  • 50% Transparency for objects during drag.
  • Drag and drop has been driving me wild for years - see eg.
  • (There might be a way to accomplish this with clever use of variables & functions, but nobody online knows about it. It's pretty irritating to define two sets of page styles (chapter start + verso-recto page spread) for front matter and main matter, when the only difference is the page numbering style! If page styles could inherit the way paragraph styles do, it would be easier.
  • Allow to insert a text row, if table is located at the first position.
  • Insert Column/Row in Tables same as in Calc.
  • They have Format > Change Case > Uppercase and Lowercase - why not Title Case as well?
  • Another thing we see a lot of on the forums is people who can't find (because it isn't there) and then who cannot believe it when we tell them it isn't there - an option to change the case of a selection to Title Case.
  • I'd really like a resolution to the silly omission of the "title case" / "invert case" (that actually change the text, not apply a style) (issue ) that annoys users used to this facility in Abiword / winword.
  • Provide change case for: Toggle case, First Letter Capitalized and Sentence case (2x).
  • If I get some input from UX regarding issue for an UI inconsistency, I would do this myself for 3.1 as well.
  • Please add "Navigator" to the view menu.
  • Add Landscape page style to built-in styles for Writer.
  • Hyperlink can not be removed by hyperlink dialogue/menu.

  • Is stylewriter 4 compatible with open office